Coronavirus Update 03/19/2021
We understand the huge toll that separation has taken on our residents and families. We are excited to announce that our Genesis-affiliated Centers will now allow indoor visitation at all times and for all residents (regardless of vaccination status), with the exception of the three scenarios listed below. CMS, the federal agency that regulates nursing centers, has updated its visitation guidance due to high resident vaccination rates and a drop in COVID-19 cases around the country. The following are the three scenarios where indoor visits would not permitted per CMS:
- If the Center’s county positivity rate is greater than 10% AND less than 70% of residents in the facility are fully vaccinated, then unvaccinated residents may not receive visits;
- Residents with confirmed COVID-19, whether vaccinated or unvaccinated, until they meet criteria for discontinuation of transmission-based precautions; and
- Residents in quarantine (observation), whether vaccinated or unvaccinated, until they have met criteria for release from quarantine.
Center staff, visitors and residents must still adhere to the core principles of COVID-19 infection control, including maintaining physical distancing, screening of all who enter the facility for signs and symptoms of COVID-19, hand hygiene, wearing a surgical mask and conducting visits outdoors whenever possible. This continues to be the safest way to prevent the spread of COVID-19, particularly if either party has not been fully vaccinated.
We are working with our national pharmacy partners to establish additional vaccination opportunities for our newly admitted residents to continue to keep all our residents as safe as possible. Thank you for your continued support during this very difficult pandemic. We are excited to begin welcoming you back into our Centers.