Coronavirus update 03/25/2020
Dear Families and Loved Ones:
We know this past week has been very scary and unnerving to everyone in our community and nation. We recognize the fact that everything related to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) is developing and changing rapidly. Communication will certainly be key as we work together to make it through this difficult time.
As a reminder, all of our affiliated centers will be RESTRICTING visitation to exceptional circumstances such as end-of-life situations. At this time, we have implemented our emergency preparedness plans to protect patient, resident and staff safety. In the event that any patients, residents or staff in the facility start showing any symptoms consistent with a possible COVID-19 infection, you will be notified.
With that said, we have noticed many families trying to visit with their loved ones through windows. While well intended, this may be unsettling for many of our patients and residents. As a more effective solution, we have implemented the ability for you to perform video chats with your loved ones using Zoom. Please see the attached directions and contact your center directly if you wish to have a Zoom chat with your loved one.
If you have any questions or concerns please reach out to your center and we will be more than happy to assist you and your family in any way we can. We thank you all for your support and patience while we work to keep everyone safe.
Family Video/Audio Conferencing