

There are currently over 40 million unpaid caregivers in the U.S., nine out of ten of whom are
caring for an aging loved one. As the elderly population continues to grow, more and more
family members are finding themselves serving as caregivers.

Caregiving is a highly demanding and stressful responsibility. The physical, emotional and
economic burdens on caregivers can frequently become overwhelming without some form of
personal support - and it’s normal to need a break. You may believe that you should be able to
"do it all.” Seeking help does not make you a failure, but perhaps more of a self awareness
success! It's important to remember that respite services benefit the individual as well as the

Unlike the loved ones they care for, caregivers also need support and attention to maintain
their own health and well-being. Respite care, which provides caregivers with a temporary rest
from caregiving, is designed to do just that.

Respite care provides a period of relief from caregiving duties, with the comfort and peace of
mind knowing loved ones continue to benefit from the care and support provided in a safe,
nurturing environment.

Time away from caregiving responsibilities is essential to the physical and emotional well-being
of caregivers. Respite care gives caregivers a chance to spend time with family and friends, take
a vacation, schedule appointments, simply time to do the things that provide personal pleasure
and fulfillment in your life. It offers caregivers an invaluable opportunity to relieve stress, renew
energy and restore a sense of balance to their lives. Using respite services can support and
strengthen your ability to be a caregiver.

Remember that respite services benefit the individual as well as the caregiver.

Respite care services can give the individual an opportunity to:

  • Interact with others having similar experiences
  • Spend time in a safe, supportive environment
  • Participate in activities designed to match personal preferences, abilities and needs
  • It's normal to be apprehensive about trying something new. Utilizing respite care before you

become exhausted, overwhelmed, isolated can be invaluable to everyone concerned. Experts
say that simply planning for scheduled relief can be an emotional lifesaver.

Emergencies, unplanned situations or unexpected trips can create a need for immediate care
by an alternative caregiver. Try a Respite stay out in a non-emergency situation, so you're ready
if the need arises.