Coronavirus Updates 08/02/2021

Dear Patients, Residents and Families,

In December 2020, Genesis began vaccinating patients, residents and employees on a voluntary basis. Through communication, engagement and trust-building, we set high goals for staff vaccination without attempting to impose a requirement. We also communicated with patients, residents and families to stress the importance of receiving the vaccine. We have strongly encouraged vaccination among staff, residents and families and are proud to have achieved above average vaccination, with 85% of our patients and residents and 65% of our staff choosing to get the COVID-19 vaccine companywide.

As we all know, due to age, underlying conditions, or both, our patients and residents are at greater risk of severe illness if they contract COVID-19. This threat can be reduced significantly through universal staff vaccination. Despite vaccination rates above the national average, the growing spread of the Delta variant makes clear that we need to increase our vaccination rates substantially to better protect our patients, residents and employees. With this in mind, today Genesis announced it is adopting a universal vaccination requirement for current employees, personnel, and care partners/vendors across the Company, with compliance by August 23, 2021.

Our move to adopt universal vaccination is an incredibly important decision, and we very seriously weighed the competing concerns before proceeding down this path.While we would have greatly preferred a strictly voluntary process, our commitment to health and safety outweighs concerns about imposing a requirement. We have concluded that this approach provides the safest and most effective course of action to ensure the health and welfare of our patients, residents and staff.

We appreciate your continued support and patience as we continue to navigate this ongoing pandemic. We hope that this decision to require vaccination of staff will provide you with the highest level of confidence in the care and services we provide to you or your loved one. We also hope that you will consider getting vaccinated before visiting your loved one for their protection and yours, if you haven’t done so already.

As a reminder, you can visit your Center’s web page for daily updates on visitation and vaccination rates at:

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