Coronavirus Updates

Dear Patients, Residents and Families,

Ensuring Everyone Has a Happy Holiday!
As the holidays approach, we want to make sure everyone stays healthy. Many seasonal illnesses, including influenza, make their rounds this time of year. Historically influenza has caused illness, hospitalization and death. The current year’s flu cases are rapidly increasing. Estimates from the CDC are that 78,000 people have been hospitalized, and 4,500 people have died from the flu this year. Vaccination is still the best defense against the flu virus. Likewise, vaccination is still the best defense against serious illness and death from COVID- 19. While many people believe the pandemic is behind us, the numbers tell a different story. The CDC reports that hospitalizations due to COVID- 19 were up 17% for the week ending December 3rd. The elderly continue to be at the great risk for hospitalization and death due to COVID. While the COVID- 19 vaccine does not always prevent disease, it does significantly reduce the development of serious illness and death.

  • Please get vaccinated and encourage your loved ones to get their vaccine too.
  • If you are sick, please wait to visit your loved one until you are better
  • Wash your hands frequently
  • Cough into a tissue or into your elbow
Wishing you and your loved ones a safe and happy holiday season!

As a reminder, you can visit your Center’s web page for daily updates on visitation and vaccination rates at:


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